четверг, 1 мая 2014 г.

Internet service will allow to guess the necessary gifts

Интернет-сервис позволит угадывать нужные подарки
Интернет-сервис позволит угадывать нужные подарки
Для людей, испытывающих трудности с выбором новогодних, да и вообще любых других подарков, сайт etsy.com предложил интересную услугу. Он сканирует предпочтения друзей в Facebook и предлагает варианты подарков исходя из их интересов.
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For the people experiencing difficulties with a choice of New Year's and in general of any other gifts, the site etsy.com offered interesting service. It scans preferences of friends in Facebook and offers options of gifts proceeding from their interests.
Simply to use service. After registration it is necessary to press an icon "To receive recommendations about gifts" on the main etsy.com page. Further it is necessary to confirm that you allow Etsy to use information of your account in Facebook.
As soon as permission is got, information on preferences of your friends подгружается on etsy.com, instantly is analyzed by it, and at the exit you receive the list of friends with recommendations of gifts opposite to each photo.
We will tell if your friend specified in Facebook that loves Red Hot Chili Peppers, for it the undershirt with symbolics of this group will be offered. Recommendations about gifts are very correct and are removed regardless of their price, however, possibility of a choice in different price categories is also provided. For the Russian users of the price are specified in dollars.
It is interesting that at each subsequent visit of Etsy you will be able already to see on its main page a line with photos of your friends with offers of gifts. Certainly that thus friends will be not at all about in what cunning way you guess their expectations.


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